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16 Effect of performance on tin oxide thin-film transistors under various oxygen partial pressure via radio-frequency sputtering
The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials, Jeju, Korea / 2015.11.17 - 2015.11.20
Doohyeok Lim, Youngin Jeon, Minsuk Kim, Yoonjoong Kim, and Sangsig Kim
15 Electrochemical Characteristics of Flexible Supercapacitors Using Graphene Hydrogel
The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials, Jeju, Korea / 2015.11.17 - 2015.11.20
Kyungwhan Yang, Kyoungah Cho and Sangsig Kim
14 Fatigue behaviors of silicon nanowire FETs on bendable substrates
The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials, Jeju, Korea / 2015.11.17 - 2015.11.20
Yoonjoong Kim, Doohyok Lim, Sangsig Kim
13 Electrical characteristics of bendable and transparent IGZO thin-film transistors
The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials, Jeju, Korea / 2015.11.17 - 2015.11.20
Sukhyung Park, Kyoungah Cho, Hyungon Oh and Sangsig Kim
12 Steep switching characteristics of charge-plasma devices with multi-functionality
Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, Paris, France / 2015. 11. 05 – 2015. 11.07
Minsuk Kim, Youngin Jeon, Yoonjoong Kim, Doohyeok Lim, Sangsig Kim
11 Thermoelectric characteristics of a solution-processed Ag2Te nanoparticle-thin film on a plastic substrate
The 41st International Conference on Micro-and Nano-Engineering MNE2015, Hague, Netherlands / 2015. 9. 21 – 2015. 9. 24
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10 Dependence of thermoelectric characteristics of ZnO nanofibers on thermal annealing
The 41st International Conference on Micro-and Nano-Engineering MNE2015, Hague, Netherlands / 2015. 9. 21 – 2015. 9. 24
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9 Electrical characteristics of bendable a-IGZO TFTs as a function of bending radius
The 41st International Conference on Micro-and Nano-Engineering MNE2015, Hague, Netherlands / 2015. 9. 21 – 2015. 9. 24
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8 In-plane thermal conductivity measurement at micrometer length scales based on an infrared image
The 41st International Conference on Micro-and Nano-Engineering MNE2015, Hague, Netherlands / 2015. 9. 21 – 2015. 9. 24
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7 Effect of channel widths on electrical characterisrtics of bendable a-Si:H TFTs
The 15th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2015), Daegu, Korea / 2015. 8.18 - 2015. 8. 21
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6 Variation of density of states in a-Si:H thin-Film transistors by mechanical strain
The 15th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2015), Daegu, Korea / 2015. 8.18 - 2015. 8. 21
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5 Flexible thermoelectric generators consisting of CMOS-compatible silicon nanowires
NANO KOREA 2015, Seoul, Korea / 2015. 7. 1 - 2015. 7. 3
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2 Li ZnO ڸ ó ǿ p-type Ư
2015⵵ ѱȸ ϰмȸ, , ѹα / 2015. 6. 24 - 2015. 6. 26
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1 ȭ ݵü IZO ̿ ڸ Ʈ Ư
2015⵵ ѱȸ ϰмȸ, , ѹα / 2015. 6. 24 - 2015. 6. 26
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